Wednesday, November 11, 2015

When Ignorance Leads to Blasphemy

Recently, the Christian community has become the focal point of ridicule at the hands, or rather, the camera of a very presumptuous and outspoken vlogger named Joshua Feuerstein. Joshua, who is a Oneness Pentecostal, has become an internet sensation with his loud-mouthed, obnoxious and highly uninformed videos which have circulated over social media over the past few years. He has been the source of much ridicule and much annoyance on the part of Christians and unbelievers alike.

Recently, he has raised one of his most ridiculous controversies to date. He made a video ranting about how Starbucks has declared a war on Christmas by removing any graphics from their Christmas cups and left them only a plain red color. Honestly, you can't make this stuff up. He was invited onto CNN, and utterly embarrassed. Christians have been in an uproar, combating the nonsensical musings of Feuerstein and those who agree with him. All this, because he decided to make a video ranting about Starbucks' choice to make their Christmas cups plain red. Yes, this is the sad state of what we have become. We are bored, pitiful, and just downright stupid.

This is not what I want to focus on though. A comic artist, who also has a respectable following on social media, who goes by the name The Oatmeal, has come up with a graphical response to Feuerstein and the other anti-sensible Christians who have taken his side. In a very satirical manner, he has come up with a response to appease these "Christian bigots." His response? Photoshopping the Starbucks mermaid (or siren?) to be crucified on a cross with a look of horror on her face. This is a clear mockery of Christ, which is not surprising given that he is an avowed atheist who uses his platform to mock Christianity in toto. His response is offensive, graphical, and downright blasphemous, though I did not expect much else from his depravity. Feuerstein and his followers have set themselves up for ridicule, and those who are just waiting to jump on every opportunity have taken it.

Of course, redemption begins with opposing Feuerstein and actually being rational and sensible on dealing with this matter. First of all, the Church is the one who is supposed to "keep Christ in Christmas" and to promote the Gospel, not some secular (and very secular, might I add) corporation. Secondly, there is absolutely nothing wrong with Starbucks' choice of using a red cup, as red is one of the many colors of Christmas. Thirdly, Starbucks never had anything Christ-related on their products, so how on earth can removing reindeer and snowflakes from their cup design be the means for them "declaring war on Christ and Christmas." Honestly, it hurts to even have to argue these points. There is, in all honesty, no redeeming the graphic and blasphemous response from The Oatmeal, since it is just that. Though I must say, I am not called to judge those outside the church, but those inside. If Feuerstein is going to be speaking on behalf of Christians on the internet, I must judge him and oppose him. I personally do not consider him a brother in Christ (being a modalist, I side with the Athanasian Creed in denouncing those who deny the Trinity), but the world is viewing him as such, and so we must correct this false perception. He is a wack-job who feeds on sensationalism, who is untrained, illogical, and naive. He does not represent Christ, nor His Church, and therefore needs to be denounced. We will only achieve rightful dialogue when we first gain the respect of the world around us, and we do this by being respectful, logical and knowledgeable.

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