Thursday, November 12, 2015

A Statue of Jesus That Will Make You Laugh

This statue of Jesus has made its rounds on the internet in the last while, and I've seen some pretty funny jokes attached to it. This concept of attaching a sort-of "one-liner" to an image has become an internet phenomenon known as meming (the image is called a meme). There have been some funny pictures saying things like, "Need an ark? I Noah guy." When you attach a joke like that to a statue that looks like this, you can't help but laugh. I find this image very amusing, and it seems to lighten up the attitude we often have of Christ.

This statue gives us the perception of Jesus being laid back and easy going. It also shows us a possibility of Jesus having a sense of humor, which is actually healthy. Being someone who values good humor, I do appreciate the emotion evoked from this statue. While it could lead to a certain sense of irreverence, I do believe that when one has a balanced view of Christ, this is a great way to laugh.

Since these images have circulated the internet quite thoroughly, and I'm sure many people have been introduced to them in some way or another, it's a great conversation starter. Especially given the light-hearted nature of the image, it would be really easy to even begin a conversation based on a joke that someone has attached to the image. While this statue was perhaps made, and even adapted by the internet, with a sense of mockery, we can easily take it and use it to our benefit. After all, if we are made in God's image, and Jesus became man, would not humor be a valid and shared experience of us all?

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