Saturday, December 12, 2015

Trying to Be Funny In Misunderstanding the Trinity

This picture, on the surface, may get some chuckles out of even the strictest Christians, simply for the fact at how ridiculous it is. Now, I say that in a pretty cynical fashion, as it is clearly made by someone who: 1) misunderstands the Trinity, and 2) desires to mock Christianity.

This picture essentially demonstrates a misunderstanding of how the Persons of the Trinity interact, and how exactly the Trinity exists, especially while Jesus was here on earth. Of course, the false premise of this picture, or as it's referred to on the internet, "meme," is that there is actually no distinction between the Persons of the Trinity, and therefore, communication is contradictory and utterly nonsensical. Of course, the Trinity is a great mystery and boggles the human mind tremendously as to how exactly God, maintains His unity while existing as three distinct Persons. Though, the maker of this meme has clearly not thought through nor really cared to understand the Christian perspective or understanding of the Triune God. Of course, while Christ and the Father share in the same substance, they are distinct Persons and therefore, communication between the Persons is not contradictory nor nonsensical.

The redemption of this image may only come about through thoughtful engagement on the issue of the Trinity. A proper understanding and demonstration of the Trinity, as described in the Athanasian Creed, would have to be defended and thoroughly explained, in order that the misconception and false representation of the confounding of the Person may be dealt with. Jesus, while being God, is not the Father, and therefore, His praying to the Father is not contradictory nor nonsensical, it is representative of Their eternal, intimate, and communal relationship.

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